Happy Birthday Fakename…Or Not

There are milestones, and then there are milestones.  And here’s the deal.  Exactly two weeks from today, Fakename will be 60.   And I’m having some serious trouble accepting that.  Not that there’s anything I can do about it.  And don’t go all Serenity Prayer on me about it, about accepting the things I can’t change.  I will of course, eventually, just not now. 

For a couple of weeks now I’ve been frantically trying to count my blessings.  And I have many, but that process doesn’t work when you’re into serious feeling-sorry-for-yourself mode.  That’s like going up to someone about to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge and saying, “Oh, just snap out of it, will you?”

Probably the oddest thing I’ve congratulated myself about is that I still consider myself to be kind of cute.  (I have a little external verification of that.)  What’s odd is that for most of my life I would have killed you for even commenting on my appearance (you were supposed to notice that I’m smart), now I can’t get enough of it.  Ah, how the mighty fall !  And the devil on the shoulder says “You think you’re cute, huh?  Better enjoy it while you can–won’t last much longer.” 

Okay, now I made myself laugh.  I’m better already.

4 responses to “Happy Birthday Fakename…Or Not

  1. One of my friends mentioned that the part of getting older that she hates is that heads no longer turn when she enters a room. (I gather she was perfectly OK with being noticed for her blond, zaftig, looks.)

    Having never had the sort of looks she sports, nor those of Fakename, I certainly won’t be missing *that* reaction 🙂

    But I will be able to get a senior citizen’s discount at IHOP all by myself, middle of next month. And Kroger too. (Until then I have to take the DH with me.)

  2. Aww, Fakesister, I think you are being too modest.

  3. Great post, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I consider you to be smart AND beautiful…and a talented writer, so, my basic nightmare…lol! Don’t forget the Senior Monday discount at TJ MAXX. My dad lives for that! Have a wonderful birthday and a very merry Christmas!! Can’t wait to read what 2010 brings you!

  4. 60 is the new 40! So kick back!

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